Clients will be asked to place a 2-day pre-payment per pet in order to book the reservation. Deposits will be fully refundable up until 48 - hours prior to your scheduled reservation. The deposit will be applied towards your bill at pick up.
Clients booking daycare or single night visits will be asked to place the cost of the entire visit down as a deposit.
Clients may receive a refund for Daycare until 4:00 pm the day before the scheduled visit. Refunds will not be administered for day-of cancellations.
Clients may receive a refund for Single Night appointments when cancelled 48-hours prior to your scheduled reservation. The deposit will be applied towards your bill at pick up. **Please note that if you pick up after 8:30 am, additional fees will be added to your bill at check out.
Holiday Deposits:
Holiday Deposits are required for Spring Break, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. In addition to placing a 2-day pre-payment, you will also be asked to place $100 per pet toward the deposit.
Holiday Deposits are refundable until 2 weeks prior to your scheduled check in date. Any reservations cancelled with less than 14 days notice will not be eligible for refund or to be applied to a future stay. All Holiday Deposits are applied toward your bill at check out,.
Boarding Prices:
Please note, we charge per day, not per night.
Spayed/Neutered Pets: $47 per day.
Intact Pets: $52 per day
-Shared Kennel – 15% discount -Housemates Only-
New Client Establishment Fee $35
*New Client Est. Fee is a one-time, non-refundable fee.
Additional Boarding Fees
Intact Female in Heat: $60 per day
Transport to Vet $35
Critical Care (Illness/Injury) $80
Kennel Food: $2/Day
Holiday Deposit $100/pet (additional to typical deposit requirements)
We charge a price per day, not per night.
On the day of your drop off you'll be charged for a whole day regardless of the time you dropped off. On the day you pick up, if you pick up between 8-8:30 a.m. you will not be charged for that day. If you pick up between 8:30-10 you will be charged a half day. Any pickup between 2-4 p.m. will be another whole day charge. Please feel free to call us if you have questions regarding pricing.
Clients will receive a 2% discount for paying with cash. (A 2% admin fee is added to all credit card transactions.)